Thursday, June 28, 2007


I'm a big thinker. I don't really waste time thinking about what I'll wear or eat tomorrow, I don't give a lot of thought to the week ahead, I spend my time considering the next several years. I spend my time brainstorming about how I can reach the most people in the biggest way. I don't really consider where I'd like to teach, I consider which foreign country I'd like to go do relief work in first. It's just how my brain works.

Maybe that's why I have so much trouble hearing the voice of God sometimes. I'm not saying that the Lord doesn't think big. In fact, God thinks in huge ways. You know, redeeming the souls of all humanity kinds of ways. But God doesn't let himself get consumed by the big things.

I recently spent some time reading the parable of the talents. It's interesting to me that in this story the master gives more to the people who are faithful with a little. Or maybe we could jump back to Elijah on the mountain? He doesn't hear God in the miracles and disasters, he hears God in the whisper.

I tend to spend a lot of my time seeking God in the big things. I spend my time looking for miracles and revelations, when my day to day life has plenty of miracle in them in the first place. Or maybe my problem is that I don't feel like I'm adequately serving God unless I'm involved in some major project. If all I have going for me is the everyday worship, I tend to feel like a failiure. The irony in this is that God wants to see me doing the everyday worships before he's going to bless me with the big projects.

I need to stop worrying so much about the big things. Not that they aren't important, but simply because if I can't bring God my best in the everday aspects of my life, how can I be expected to bring him my best in the international world saving crusades I want to do?

Maybe it's a little simple, this idea. But maybe that is the idea.



Anonymous said...

and mary said, amen.

Wheels said...

Excellent Blog Jacob-I miss our chats. Do they seem like eons ago to you as well?