Friday, October 23, 2009

God's Insanity is Greater than man's Sanity

You knew this was coming. Maybe you dreaded it, maybe you were hoping for it, but one way or another, you knew I'd be back. How am I? Well I'm getting married now. That's pretty exciting. I also now fit into size 38 pants, which hasn't happened for a long long time. They're lime green corduroy pants to boot. I know, you missed me.

Let me give you a look into my life currently. At age 23, I am just a few short months away from marriage and graduation. (Not in that order) I am currently involved in trying to find a job, and while some prospects are beginning to look promising, I wanted to share a little insight, let you see what's going on in this twisted mind of mine.

As I've been searching for a job, I've had this constant temptation. Namely, the temptation to settle for less. Now mind you, I'm not trying to make a statement about what makes a good Church or a bad Church. But you know me, and if you've read even a few of the things I've written on here you know that I'm not going to be able to work at just any Church. That's okay; lots of Churches won't work for a lot of people. It's not about right or wrong, it's about finding the right fit.

The temptation however comes in when a Church that isn't a good fit looks like it would have good money, or at least secure money. Look, it's hard to admit. I'm not getting into ministry for the money, but when you're staring down the barrel of a gun called "responsibility" it's hard to not stop and consider the best financial option. Ministry isn't about money, but that doesn't change the fact that everyone has to eat. Everyone also has to pay of 5 years worth of student loans. Everyone also has to get married. Everyone also has to pay ridiculous gas prices (I refuse to accept $2.75 as okay) and everyone also has to find health insurance and still hopefully have enough money to go out with the new wife once in a while and possibly even revive a long-lost video game hobby. Everyone has a lot on everyone's mind.

So the other day, no joke, I sat down and looked at several job opportunities. There was the temptation to leap in headfirst, and to just start dishing out resumes like so much Halloween candy corn. But my mind keeps drifting back to one of my favorite parts of scripture, the Corinthian Epistles. This is the part where I start talking Bible!

Paul started this Church in Corinth. Then he left. While he was gone, people started looking around at how the local bigwigs ran things. They saw this group called the Sophists, who were (I'm not making this up) fond of teaching people by screaming at each other, and having their students pull pranks on one another. The Corinthian Church saw all of this and thought, "Whoa, those guys are awesome. People would want to be a part of our Church if we were more like that!" The end result? Well of course the Church all turned on one another and began having shouting matches and trying to sabotage one another.

So Paul gets wind of this from someone who works for Phoebe, the lady who helped run the Church in Corinth. He's obviously not pleased, so he writes them a letter, and one of the first (and best) lines in the whole thing goes like this: "The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." -1 Corinthians 1:25

You should seriously read the book yourself, but let me sum it up. Paul is explaining to the Corinthians that God's way is always best, even when it looks like the least intelligent way of doing things. Maybe it doesn't look that smart to forgive that person that hurt you so bad; doesn't matter. God knows better than you. Maybe it seems like a dumb idea to give any of your money to other people right now, what with the economy down so much. Do it anyway. Even at his weakest, God is stronger than us or any financial market.

For me, what this reminded me is that God's will for me is best. I might want to seek out the first and most secure thing that comes my way, but God has something better. God will take care of my money, and he will lead me to a Church where I fit, and where I can maximize my affect on the Kingdom. On a side note, shortly after reading this and making the decision to stop pursuing a few specific job opportunities, I was given a promotion at work and am getting paid basically double what I was. God's already got my back.

You? I don't know if this applies to you. Sadly the best I can do is write what God puts on my heart and hope that it connects with you. But know that I love you, and that I have already prayed that God will clear your mind, and show you his will. It will probably look insane. Turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, and trusting an unseen God with your financial security all looks insane. But from one insane person to another, it's a pretty darn good way to live.


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