Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Unfortunatley, Crazy Pills do Come in Suppositories

I believe that The Tick said it best.

"You're not going crazy, you're going sane in a crazy world!"

I feel that way sometimes. Actually, I feel that way a lot. Before you read any further into this, you need to know that this is not a political thing I'm about to write. It's just my reflections on the madness around me. Now that the guns are being put away we can get down to business.

Today I saw on the news that roughly 12 Billion Dollars in United States money was "misplaced" in Iraq. Now if that's not quite the red flag you were looking for, consider this: The people being blamed for this have used the following two arguments to defend themselves.

1) It's not our fault, Iraq has poor bookkeeping, and the real doozie,
2) $12,000,000,000 isn't that much. (I put all the zeros there to make it look silly.)

Wait! We're not done yet! In other news, earlier today television executives declared that American Idol, the show that gave us such memorable artists as Ruben Studdard and that 80 year old lounge singer who claims to be 20, is in fact, "The most influential program in the history of television." Seriously. This show is just churning out one worthless pop diva after another, and they ALL SOUND THE SAME. CRAPPY.

There are days where I look around at the world around me, and then retreat into my room to scream into a pillow with frustration. But what kills me is that when I point this out to people, they nod and say, "Yeah, someone should do something about that."

Listen up fools, it's time to break this thing down.

A friend/mentor of mine once said, "The thing that killed Nixon wasn't the crime, it was the coverup." It's a good point, one we could all learn from. The problem at hand is that we're all looking to coverup our problems and let them go. Sin in our hearts? Hide it. Church not meeting your needs? Grumble at lunch. Double standards all around you? Ignore it.

Problem is, eventually those things will fester and grow in the dark until they strangle us and finish the job. But bring them in the light and they'll melt like a Nazi with The Ark.

Stop hiding things, let's be honest and let's be open. Please. I'm getting really sick of feeling insane.


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